A Welcome From Janet Penny • RMT
Over the many years of my practice, my work has evolved and now focuses on working with people affected by cancer. It is safe to have massage at any point during cancer treatment, providing the therapist is trained in oncology massage. Whether you are looking for a restorative massage or want to add massage therapy to your rehabilitation program, both my training and dedication to my work will suport your profress.
I look forward to working with you and leave you with
my favourite quote from Mark Twain’s The Innocent’s Abroad.
“We bestow thoughtful care upon inanimate objects, but none upon ourselves. What a robust people, what a nation of thinkers we might be, if we would only lay ourselves on the shelf occasionally and renew our edges!”
Did You Know ?
Massage therapy offers both deeply restorative and rehabilitative treatments.
Ask you massage therapist about their skill set and comfort in helping you make the changes you want.